What are Pre-Writing Skills?
In short, pre-writing skills are the lines and strokes children need to master BEFORE they begin formal handwriting instruction. These lines and shapes develop in a specific sequence.
Below is an estimate of when these lines and shapes are developed. It’s important to keep in mind that every child is different and these skills may develop at a different rate.
Vertical: (Age 3 copies/masters)
Horizontal: (Age 3 copies/masters)
Circle: (Age 3 copies/masters)
Cross: (Age 4 copies/masters)
Square: (Age 4 copies/masters)
Right/Left Diagonal: (Age 4.5)
X: (Age 5 copies/masters)
Triangle (Age 5 copies/masters)
The following article discusses the role OT plays in developing these foundation skills, the developmental sequence of mastery, and some prewriting activities.
Role of Occupational Therapy in Prewriting Skills for Children with Special Needs: A Clinical Study